Sunday, January 01, 2006

Starting Over Again.

It is too easy to drift away from eating healthy. I haven't stepped on the scale in a while but I can assure you, I have gained weight. I started slipping a while ago... buying cookies with coffee; eating crappy fried foods; skipping vegetables. Bah.

Starting this week, though, I will be working a flex time schedule which means my lunches will no longer be a leisurely hour but instead a half-hour. Food-wise this is probably a good thing. It means I will be taking more sandwiches and snack foods (hopefully smart snacks!) that I can eat at coffee breaks as well as lunch time.

I also need to be motivated to fit exercise into my routine. I have no idea how to do this since I really dislike it, on principle. I love the way I feel after I have exercised but I am so seldom active that I seem to forget that feeling, so it doesn't contribute to my motivation.

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